then--it got really interesting-----they asked his name---i told them----and i could see a lightbulb of recognition turn on.
i said---you probably know his--former--daughter in law ( my ex )---which they agreed they do--very well. the chap then said--" i remember you"--from 40 years ago--then he mentioned a few facts which meant he did indeed know me--although i cant remember him.
at this point--loud voiced wife booms out---" would i like to return the the troof"----i nearly choked laughing at that----but said--"no--i have had a great life and no regrets leaving when i did."
i now really started having fun-----i asked--" so--you must know my son ?"--they replied--very well indeed ( he was d/f about 6 years ago------)
they asked--how is he---i replied--"hes fine--i see him often--he remarried--and now has a beautiful 6 month old son------in fact---ive got photos on my phone of them--taken last week----on holiday in Thailand !!!!------hes doing very well in life---and truly very happy---like me.!!"
i think this encounter will have repercussions. i love shit stirring.